For members
This page is for the network members and the network contact persons. It includes all the information you need about acting as a contact person, as well as network material bank and FAQ section. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the network lead Tuija Turunen (tuija.turunen(at)
If you want to contact the other network members, you can find their email addresses in the Network members page, or use the network emailing list (uarcticteachered(at)

Role of the contact person
Contact persons are expected to...
- Share information on network activities in their own organisation and own networks (prior task!)
- Organise their participation in network activities (incl. travel)
- Participate in presenting in the webinars and organising activities of their choise
- Apply funding for network activities (e.g. shared research, network events, travelling to the network meetings, mobility)
- Share conference calls, funding possibilities and other useful information with the network members (Facebook group or emailing list uarcticteachered[at]
- Keep the coordinator on the loop on local network activities
Network coordinator..
- Coordinates the network activities
- Updates the webpages
- Posts newsletters and news pieces
- Facilitates communication between the network members
- Shares information on possible funding sources
- Coordinates the webinars (presented by the network members)
- Applies funding for some of the network activities
- Evaluates the network activities
- Reports the network activities
How to share information about our network in your organisation and other networks?
How to start collaboration with another network member?
Network print materials and templates
Here you can download the files for printing posters or flyers. You can choose a network poster with space for your own institutions logo, or without it. Display the posters e.g. in your office door or university noticeboard to show you are part of our network!
Powerpoint and Word templates can be used for network-related purposes, e.g. in conference presentations, staff meetings when introducing the network, letters for policymakers or so on.
You can add the network logo in your email signature, researcher profile or other relevant place to show you are part of our network.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
What are my responsibilities as a contact person?
In our network, the network members are always institutions, and the contact persons are the links between the network and the colleagues in a member institution. The most important responsibility is sharing information on network activities in their institution. You can read more about the roles and responsibilities of a contact person and the network coordinator above.
I'd like to participate a network event in person. What should I do?
The contact persons should organise their travel themselves, as well as apply funding to cover the costs. In some cases, the network applies funding for travel costs collaboratively.
How to fund the network activities?
We encourage all the network members to apply funding from the funding calls in their area. You can find partners for your proposals through the network, and the network coordinator is happy to help with the proposals. You can use Network members page or the emailing list (uarcticteachered(at) to find partners interested in similar topics.
What's the difference between UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education and UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education?
They both are interested in similar topics, but the UArctic Network has a special focus on the Arctic area and circumstances, while UNESCO/UNITWIN Network is global. Due to similar interests, the networks sometimes organise activities together.
Who can participate the network activities?
All of the network activities are open access, so your colleagues and friends from your university and other networks are welcome to join. It's actually recommended to invite them!
The network hasn't organised any activities in my area/about my topic of interest lately. What to do?
You can make an initiative to organise activities yourself! Contact other network members from your area or people interested in similar topics and start to organise a new activity yourself. All members don't have to be involved in everything, so you can just contact e.g. people located near to you, people with interesting expertise and start collaboration. Remember to report your activities to the network coordinator (who can also help you with activity coordination)!