UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity
The UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education focuses on teacher education for different levels of education, with a specific focus on social justice and diversity in education. Inclusive education, indigenous education, education for social justice, equity and diversity, education in rural areas and digitalisation are important concepts for the network.
The UArctic, Universities of Arctic's thematic networks foster issues-based cooperation within networks that are focused but flexible enough to respond quickly to topical Arctic issues. Read more about UArctic thematic networks:

Overall goal
The network will enhance teacher education for equality and social justice in the Arctic region. Short-term goals will be to advance shared research on topics relevant to network's members, establish steady cooperation between teacher educators across the member universities, and stimulate staff and student exchange. A long-term goal will be to develop a virtual research and resource centre for high quality teacher education research and practice.
Main Activities
The network aims to facilitate interaction and promote research and joint teaching among the teacher education programmes in the member universities. At the initial stage, the network envisages the following:
- Shared research
- Publishing a joint book
- Joint conference presentations
- Co-authoring research articles
- Common study modules/study courses
- Student/teacher/researcher mobility, both short-term and full-term visits, including teaching and research

"Co-creating culturally responsive Arctic pedagogies and transformative teacher education to enable agency and sustainability for the Circumpolar North."
A slogan created by the members in 2017.
The network leader, professor Tuija Turunen tells about the network and its activities in the interview of UArctic.

Network membership
We are a network of organisations across the circumpolar north and beyond. The member organisations are from the northern areas or facing similar challenges as the northern members, and thus interested in developing teacher education in similar way.
All network members have 1-3 contact persons, who act as a contact point between the network and their organisation. In addition, there can be more colleagues involved in the network activities. All activities are open, so we warmly welcome all colleagues to join!
The network does not have a membership fee, and it does not provide any direct funding. The network members can and are recommended to apply funding together for joint activities. All members are responsible in covering the working hours used to the activities, as well as organising their own travels to network meetings.
If you are interested in joining the network, please contact the network lead Tuija Turunen (tuija.turunen(at)