Open access resources by the networks

Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a Post-COVID-19 New Future
First Discussion
Diane Hirhsberg, University of Alaska Anchorage
Tuija Turunen, University of Lapland
January 2023
An Asset-based Approach to Exploring Probationer Teachers' Lived Experiences of Learning to Enact Inclusive Pedagogy in Schools Located in High Poverty Environments
Archie Graham & Peter Mtika, University of Aberdeen
October 28, 2020
From thinking about what I bring to University study, to showing I'm ready to join the profession: embedded ePortfolio in a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary)
Jennifer Munday, Albury Wodonga Campus, Charles Sturt University
May 6, 2020
Sustaining an endangered language through initial teacher education. The Maori language experience
Huia Jankhe, Massey University
April 15, 2019
Inuit knowledge in a teacher education
Sylvia Moore, Faculty of Education/Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland
October 4, 2017
Advancing small children's voice and agency through research collaboration and innovation studies
Anne Burke, Diane Collier, Mhairi Beaton, Susan Atkinson, Tuija Turunen, Pigga Keskitalo and Hanna Helander
31 August 2021
Inside the classroom - research perspectives on learning situations in the Greenlandic primary school system
March 30, 2020
Canadian Perspectives on Leading Change towards Indigenising the Academy: connections within the Arctic Region
Kirk Anderson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
November 13, 2018
Indigenous Knowledge and Methodologies
Dr. Rauna Rahko-Ravantti and Dr. Tuija Turunen, University of Lapland
February 8, 2016
Diversity in Learning
Universities of Helsinki, Tromso and Aberdeen
March 30, 2017
Reviewing the international effort towards monitoring and understanding the role of the polar vortex as a driver of the weather and climate
Sergey M. Khaykin, LATMOS laboratory and UVSQ
18 March 2021
The Emerging Concern for Indigenous Language Education in Public Education in Canada
Frank Deer
University of Manitoba
October 8, 2019
Finnish basic education and teacher education - perspectives on inclusive education
Suvi Lakkala & Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä, University of Lapland
June 7, 2018
Dmitrij Levites, Murmansk Arctic State University
June 14, 2017

It's not a miracle: Teacher Education and Teaching in Finland
Tuija Turunen
Juneau, Alaska, April 2023
Keynote speech
One size does not fit all: locality in the teacher education
Tuija Turunen
New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations across the arctic, January 2023
Open seminar
Indigenous Pedagogy
University of Lapland
March 11, 2020 in Rovaniemi, Finland
Roundtable discussion
Do you speak my language?
FERA Conference on Education
November 21, 2019 in Joensuu, Finland
Keynote speech
Inclusive education policy from a critical perspective
Conference Developing an Inclusive School
Professor Diane Hirshberg
March 26, 2019
Keynote speech
Inclusion - no student left behind
Kalpana Vijayavarathan
New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations across the arctic, January 2023
Keynote speech
New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations Across the Arctic
Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir
New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations across the arctic, January 2023
Panel discussion
Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North
Conference Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North
November 19, 2020
Book launch event
Including the North: a Comparative Study of the Policies of Inclusion and Equity in the Circumpolar North
Arctic Science Summit Week 2019
May 28, 2019
Keynote speech
Research-based teacher education towards inclusive schools - Case: Lapland
Conference Developing an Inclusive School
Professor Tuija Turunen, University of Lapland
March 26, 2019
Keynote speech
Education in the North of the North: Contextualizing pedagogies - to the Arctic?
Gry Paulgaard
New Northern Pedagogies: Conversations across the arctic, January 2023
Keynote speech
Learning from and Leading change in indigenous and northern education
Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North. Nov. 19, 2020
Panel discussion
Including the North: Indigenous Languages and Inclusion Policies in Education
Arctic Science Summit Week 2019
May 28, 2019
Inclusive education as a subject - the radical shift in teacher education in Austria
Presentation in symposium Inclusive Teacher Education - Challenges and Ideas
Professor Gottfried Biewer, University of Wien
March 26, 2019
Principles of Inclusive Education
Presentation in symposium Inclusive Teacher Education - Challenges and Ideas
Mhairi Beaton, Leeds Beckett University
March 26, 2019
Videos published by the network members
Conference Presentation
Significance of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Teaching Faroese to Immigrants
Kalpana Vijayavarathan, University of the Faroe Islands
Conference: Language in West Nordic Countries: West Nordic Council Conference 2020
29th January, 2020
ACDE Accord on Indigenous Education
Kirk Anderson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
26th May, 2016

Digital and rural education

Korte, S.-M., Körkkö, M., Maxwell, G., Beaton, M. C., Keskitalo, P., Hast. M., Kyrö-Ämmälä, O. & Mommo., S. (2023). Professional educators in the Circumpolar North: A model for the digital competence of future teachers. Arctic Yearbook, Arctic Pandemics: Covid-19 and Other Pandemic Experiences and Lessons Learned, 296-309.

Vijayavarathan-R, K., Óskardsóttir, E., Beaton, M. C., Turunen, T., Kagan, O., Flotskaya, N., Bulanova, S. (2022) Development of Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching in Rural Schools in The Circumpolar North: Lessons for Teacher Education.
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators Volume 11, Number 3, 2022, 293-308.

Korte, S., Körkkö, M., Paksuniemi, M., Hast, M., Mommo, S., Selkälä, A., Keskitalo, P. (2022)
Education in the North 29(2), 68.
Frangou, S.-M., & Keskitalo, P. (2020). Enhancing Social Learning with Digital Applications: Life Stance Education and Sámi Pedagogy Move to Synchronous Distance Learning in Teacher Education. In R.E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field. (pp. 23-26).

Frangou, S., Länsman, U., & Keskitalo, P. (2023). Teachers' Technology-Enhanced Remote Teaching Competency in an Arctic Ubiquitous Pedagogical Context. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 13(1), 1-12.
Power, R., Gallant, G., Gallant, J., Girouard, J., Hildebrandt, K, MacLeod, J., McCarthy, T., Mugford, J., Pinhorn, C., & Pitts, M. (2020). Integration of Instructional Design and Technology to Support Rapid Change. Sydney, NS, Canada: Power Learning Solutions.
Power, R. (Ed). (2019). Technology and the curriculum: Summer 2019. Lethbridge, AB, Canada: Power Learning Solutions.
Kaden, U. (2020). COVID-19 School Closure-Related Changes to the Professional Life of a K-12 Teacher. Education Sciences, 10(6), 165.

Korte, S.-M., Körkkö, M.,
Kyrö-Ämmälä, O., Hast, M., Mommo, S., Paksuniemi, M., Maxwell, G., Beaton, M.,
& Keskitalo, P. (2023)
A Transnational comparative study of teachers' experiences of remote
teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic.
Current Issues in
Comparative Education 25(1) 4-24.
Power, R. (Ed). (2020). e-Learning Essentials 2020. Sydney, NS, Canada: Power Learning Solutions.
Power, R. (Ed). (2018). Technology and the curriculum: Summer 2018. Surrey, BC, Canada: Power Learning Solutions.
Indigenous education

Helander, H., Keskitalo, P., Turunen, T. (2023) Saami Language Online Education Outside the Saami Homeland—New Pathways to Social Justice. Finland's Famous Education System - Unvarnished Insights into Finnish Schooling, pp. 303-318.

Keskitalo, P., Linkola-Aikio, I. (2022) Sámi pedagogalaš dutkamuš ja dutkanetihkka
Teaching, Didactics, and Pedagogy in Sápmi, Volume 6, Issue 2, 46-68.
Bjøru, A.-M. (2021). Birgejupmi - Life Skilla, the Sámi approach to Inclusion and Adapted Education. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 47(1)

Äärelä-Vihriälä, R., Keskitalo, P., Peltola, M. (eds.) (2022) Sápmelaš árrabajásgeassin dál : árvvut, vuogádagat ja oassálastin árggas. Language: Northern Sami.
Flood, K., Moore, S., Yeoman, E. (2021) A History of Preparing Teachers for Northern Labrador. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 47(1)
Anderson, K. & Hanrahan, M. (eds.) (2013) The Morning Watch publication: Indigenizing the Academy.

Rasmussen, T., Keskitalo, P., Rahko-Ravantti, R., Äärelä-Vihriälä, R. (2022) Gaskavuođalaš dieđu guorahallan eamiálbmotparadigmaid olis ságastaladettiin ja káfestaladettiin. Teaching, Didactics, and Pedagogy in Sápmi, Volume 6, Issue 2, 27-47.
Keskitalo, P., Sarivaara, E. (2021) Current Issues of Quality in Saami Language Education. The Morning Watch: Educational and Socail Analysis, 47(1)
Other themes

Joona, T. et al. (2022) Justice in Participation and Governance:
A Comparative Integrated Report.
JUSTNORTH Towards a Just, Ethical, and Sustainable Arctic
Vijayavarathan, K. (2021) Equity in Education for the Circumpolar North. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 47(1)

Burke, A. & Power, E. (2022) How some children prospered in pandemic online learning. The Conversation.
Burke, A., Card, B. (2021). Outdoor Kindergarten: Achiecing Outcomes with A Place-based & Landbased Approach to Emergent Curriculum. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 47(1)

Burke, A., Moore, S., Molyneux, L., Lawlor, A., Kottwitz, G. Y., Sanson, R., Anderson, O., Card. B. (2021). Children's wellness: outdoor learning during Covid-19 in Canada. Education in the North, 28(2).
Harju-Luukkainen, H., Kangas, J. (2021) What is the Future of ECE Teacher Profession? Teacher's Agency in Finland Through the Lenses of Policy Documents. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 47(1)

Burke, A. & Moore, S. (2021) Teachers are on front lines with students in the coronavirus pandemic. The Conversation.