Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a post-Covid-19 New Future
About the project

The project Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a post-Covid-19 New Future focuses on finding new pathways through the post-pandemic world in educational sciences. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound global impact on educational policies and practices. Already, before the pandemic in January 2019, the World Bank had raised concerns about a global learning crisis. Their main message was that children and youth around the globe go to school, but they learn very little. The pandemic led to widespread temporary closures of schools, and resulted in high drop-out rates in many regions. The full impact of the pandemic on the education sector will not be known for years, and could last for decades. Research is needed to inform the actions that nations such as the US and Finland should take to both remedy the immediate impact of the pandemic on students and also to build on learnings emerging from the experiences of teachers and students who were suddenly thrust into new and different structures for teaching and learning.
The project activities include a two-way visiting scholar exchange and online activities. The first visit takes place on November 2022 in University of Lapland. The second visit is on Spring 2023 at University of Alaska Anchorage. The purpose of the visits is to participate discussions and research about the challenges faced and learning from responding to Covid-19 in Finland and Alaska.
The project is funded by U.S. Embassy in Finland, Small Grants Program 2021 and the project period is December 2021 - August 2023. The project partners are University of Lapland (Finland) and University of Alaska Anchorage (US). The project is part of the activities of UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity.