Indigenous Pedagogy in Teacher Education (IPED)
What is IPED?
The goal of the IPED project is to review and identify the Sámi and Indigenous pedagogy research needs at northern teacher education contexts and to support new research areas' development. The project is executed through three workshops. The workshops serve both educational and informative purposes, enabling researchers to transmit their knowledge in ways that are tailored towards a target public.
The project is part of activities of UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education.

Funding and partners
The project is funded by the grant for NOS-HS workshops, by the joint committee for Nordic research councils in the humanities and social sciences (NOS-HS), administrated by the Academy of Finland. The project period is 1/2020-6/2022.
IPED project partners are Pigga Keskitalo (University of Lapland), Tuija Turunen (University of Lapland), Rauni Äärelä-Vihriälä (Sámi University of Applied Sciences), Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio (Sámi archives), Torjer Olsen (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway), Hanna-Máret Outakoski (Umeå University), Rauna Rahko-Ravantti (Sámi University of Applied Sciences) and David Kroik (Nord University). Read more about project partners below under "Our Experts".
The aim of the workshops is to deal the contents of Sámi education and develop jointly Indigenous education models that suit for teacher education and Sámi studies programs in Northern part of Europe: Norway, Finland and Sweden. The special aim is to go through colonial, nowdays and future aspects of healing circle developed by Sámi scholar Rahko-Ravantti. The target groups are both Indigenous people, The Sámi, in these Nordic regions and worldwide. Further, it is aim to build joint contents for mainstream teachers and teacher education programs.
Workshop schedule
The first workshop, titled "Indigenizing education: Historical perspectives and present challenges in Sámi education", was held as an online workshop on 16-17 November 2020. The goal is to open the most important issues of colonization and assimilation, like experiences of inequality and otherness so that ongoing education can continue its work in its premises. The first workshop creates the foundation for the oncoming measures.
The second workshop, titled "Árran (heart, fireplace) - The achievements, advancement and recognition of Sámi education" was held in online on 15-16 April 2021. The workshop will cover the areas that concern the practical questions of nowadays Sámi education and aim to identify present research needs of Sámi education.
The third and final workshop, titled "Developmental questions, wishes and dreams of Sámi education", was held online on 16-17 August 2021. The workshop will focus on the future aspects, challenges and contents of Sámi education at different educational levels.
- Keskitalo, Pigga, and Torjer Olsen. 2021. Indigenizing education: Historical perspectives and present challenges in Sámi education. In Arctic yearbook, 2021.
- Article on ethical issues in Sami education research in Finnish: Helander, H., Linkola-Aikio, I.-A., Keskitalo, P., & Turunen, T. (2022). Saamelaisia koskevan kasvatus- ja koulutustutkimuksen eettisiä kysymyksiä. Kasvatus, 53(4), 423-428.
Our Experts

Pigga Keskitalo
PhD., Adjunct Professor, University Researcher
University of Lapland
Pigga Keskitalo works as a researcher at the University of Lapland, Finland. She also works as a bi-researcher at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Norway, where children's ethical thinking is investigated. At the moment, she is working on an Academy of Finland funded project that aims to develop Sámi language distance education. In addition, she is involved in several development projects, including Arctic Pedagogy 2 (funded by the European Social Fund), and eLappi development of teacher competence in digital pedagogy (also funded by the European Social Fund). Keskitalo's research interests focus broadly on the field of Sámi education and its research. Her Ph.D. dissertation investigated how the Sámi curriculum in Norway is conducted at the Sámi schools.
Email: pigga.keskitalo(at)

David Kroik
Ph.D. Candidate in Language Teaching and Learning
Umeå University
Assistant professor in South Saami
Nord University
David Kroik is a Ph.D. Candidate in Language Teaching and Learning at Umeå University, Sweden and an assistant professor in South Saami at Nord University, Norway. His early research within the Ph.D. project was focused on describing South Saami grammar from a formalistic perspective. His current research involves Narrative Inquiry and is focused on the Schoolscape of Saami preschools and preschool teachers' experiences of language acquisition. Kroik is an adult learner of South Saami and is dedicated to helping others learn their own heritage language.
Email: david.kroik(at)

Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio
PhD., Senior Research Officer
Sámi Archives/National Archives of Finland
Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio works in the Sámi Archives since 2014. She has a Master degree in Finno-Ugric linguistics from the University of Helsinki 1996 and Ph.D. from the Faculty of Education in the University of Lapland 2014. Her Ph.D research title was The Sámi School's Linguistic Landscape: An ethnographical study on the Sámi language in an upper secondary education institute. During 2017-2019 she worked as an Associate Professor in Sámi University of Applied Sciences (Norway). Her current research interests are: linguistic landscape, research ethics, Sámi educational history, language policy in Sámi education.
Email: inker-anni.linkola-aikio(at)

Torjer Olsen
Academic director
the Centre for Sámi Studies
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Torjer Olsen is from the Tromsø area at the coast of Sápmi/Northern Norway. His research interests include indigenous education - gender, power and methodology in Indigenous studies - and Christianity in Sámi contexts. Olsen is the PI of the international research project Indigenous Citizenship and Education.
Email: torjer.olsen(at)

Hanna-Máret Outakoski
PhD., Senior Lecturer
Umeå University
Dr. Hanna-Máret Outakoski is senior lecturer in North Sámi at the Department of Language Studies at Umeå University, Sweden, and at Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. Her latest research project investigates teaching of heritage language writing in Sámi educational contexts. One of the aims of the current collaborative research is to strengthen the position of Sámi writing among Sámi youth, and to find new models for teachers to widen the discourses of writing instruction in Sámi education. In her earlier research, Outakoski has investigated the writing processes of multilingual young writers, context of multilingual writing in Sápmi, and teacher perspectives on Sámi writing. Other research interests lie on North Sami grammar and syntax, on the possibilities and potential of using virtual worlds and virtual classrooms for language revitalization, as well as on language use in society in general.
Email: hanna.outakoski(at)

Tuija Turunen
Dean, Faculty of Education
Leader of IPED project
University of Lapland
Tuija Turunen holds a position of Dean at the Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Finland. She is a leader of the teacher education programme. She also leads UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity and UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity. Professor Turunen is an internationally recognized expert, has published widely and leads several national and international projects. Professor Turunen's current research interests focus on teacher education, professional development in higher education, educational transitions, indigenous pedagogies and preventive school welfare work.
Email: tuija.turunen(at)

Rauni Äärelä-Vihriälä
PhD., Associate Professor
Sámi University of Applied Sciences
Rauni Äärelä-Vihriälä is a associate professor in Sámi allaskuvla, Norway. She has a doctorate in 2016 from the University of Lapland. Her dissertation is a unique study of Sámi language nest activities. Her work in Sámi allaskuvla focuses on the sámi teacher education and in the sámi eductional research field her research focuses on sámi language immersion.
Email: rauniav(at)

Rauna Rahko-Ravantti
PhD., Associate professor Sámi Allaskuvla - Sámi University of Applied Sciences
Rauna Rahko-Ravantti is an associate professor at the Sámi allaskuvla, Norway. She has a doctorate in 2016 from the University of Lapland. Her dissertation concerned the interviews of Sámi teachers and ideas that they expressed about their work at primary schools. The thesis presents philosophically the four doors of Sámi education that can be used as an analysis frame in research and practical development of Sámi education. Her work in Sámi allaskuvla focuses on the sámi teacher education program education studies coordination and teaching tasks.
Email: raunarr(at)
Photo: Vesa Toppari / Yle Sápmi