Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Education in Circumpolar North (EICN)
The goal of the project Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Education in Circumpolar North is to strengthen collaboration under the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity. The project also aims to publish a book focusing on inclusive policies and practices in educational settings. The planned book is continuing the work started with the first book of the network. The first book, titled Including the North: a Comparative Study of the Policies on Inclusion and Equity in the Circumpolar North, is available online here.

The completion of the first book highlighted that the Thematic Network had a gap in their circumpolar coverage, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The network views the inclusion of colleagues from the Faroe Islands and Greenland as a priority in the ongoing activities of the network to facilitate full participation of all voices through expansion of the network to include all.
The project workshops will provide an opportunity to explore commonalities and differences between educational development for inclusion and indigenous language teaching in their national and regional contexts in more depth. The last time that a book was published focusing on transnational circumpolar educational studies was in 1996 and on that occasion Russia was not included in the book; therefore this forthcoming book will fill a gap in knowledge within the discipline in addition to a much needed update in the field.

The project aims to:
- Strengthen the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education by engaging network members from Greenland and Faroe Islands to network activities
- Submitting a book proposal to a commercial publisher
- Writing a book manuscript themed inclusive policies and practices in educational settings
Project implementation
Editorial board
Professor Mhairi Beaton, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Professor Diane Hirshberg, University of Alaska Anchorage, US
- Associate Professor Gregor Maxwell, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
- Professor Tuija Turunen, University of Lapland, Finland
- Project Manager Janette Peltokorpi, University of Lapland, Finland

The project is funded by UArctic project funding for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education, allocated by Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (DAFSHE) and managed by UArctic International Secretariat.
The project is led by Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland and coordinated by University of Lapland. The project partners are Copenhagen Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Memorial University of Newfoundland, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Iceland and the University of the Faroe Islands.