Distance Teaching and Learning in the Arctic Communities (DistARCTIC)
The project aims to open new horizons on rural education, especially what kind of pedagogical practices could be used in online/distance teaching and learning to secure equal educational possibilities and high-quality education for all, regardless of their location.
The project is part of activities of UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity.

The goal of the project is to draft a book proposal for the next book in the series started by Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Education in Circumpolar North (EICN) project. The book will focus on pedagogical practices in online/distance teaching and learning. The overall goal of the project is to provide educators in schools and in teacher education means to reach their full potential of using digital tools in rural education.
Project activities
- Submitting desktop study article
- Applying funding to cover the costs of researchers working hours
- Drafting a book proposal on pedagogical practices in online/distance teaching and learning
- Arranging three workshops
- Vijayavarathan-R, K., Óskardsóttir, E., Beaton, M. C., Turunen, T., Kagan, O., Flotskaya, N., Bulanova, S. (2022) Development of Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching in Rural Schools in The Circumpolar North: Lessons for Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators Volume 11, Number 3, 2022, 293-308.
- Korte, S.-M., Körkkö, M., Kyrö-Ämmälä, O., Hast, M., Mommo, S., Paksuniemi, M., Maxwell, G., Beaton, M., & Keskitalo, P. (2023). A Transnational comparative study of teachers' experiences of remote teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Comparative Education 25(1) 4-24.
News piece about the project workshop: Project DistARCTIC held workshop in Leeds to advance rural education practices
Project management
Project partners are:
- University of Lapland (project lead institution)
- University of the Faroe Islands (applying institution),
- Nord University,
- University of Prince Edward Island,
- Memorial University of Newfoundland,
- Sámi University of Applied Sciences,
- Luleå University of Technology,
- Leeds Beckett University,
- University of Aberdeen,
- University of Alaska Fairbanks,
- University of Iceland,
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway and
- University of Oulu.


The project is funded by UArctic project funding for Network Activities on Arctic Research and Education, allocated by Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (DAFSHE) and administrated by UArctic International Secretariat. The project period is 9/2020-12/2023.