The project ACCESS will host conference on 18-20 September 2024 in Rovaniemi, Finland. Save the date!
The conference website will be published on December 2023. Follow this page for more updates coming very soon!
About the project
The project aims to address the need for a space in which scholars across the north who are studying
educational issues in Arctic can meet, share their research, and determine how best to advance the field. The synergy resulting
from a gathering focused specifically on education in the Arctic will serve the needs of the communities
involved in a focused manner. It will strengthen a wide and growing network of educational researchers in
the circumpolar North - within our UArctic Thematic Network on Teahcer Education and also outside of it.
Organising this conference will
provide all Arctic educational researchers a platform for presenting their research to an engaged and
relevant audience, and will facilitate connections and networking with other people with similar interests.
The conference themes will focus on critical educational issues in the circumpolar North such as indigenous
education, inclusive education, online teaching and learning, and the challenge of providing education in
rural and remote places.
Project funding
The project is funded by UArctic project funding for Network Activities on Arctic Research and Education. The grant is managed and administered by UiT The Arctic University of Norway in accordance with the recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Research in Norway.

Target audience
The project has three key target audiences - network contact persons, network member universities and Arctic educational science community - who will benefit of the stronger connections, platforms of sharing knowledge, and engagement to UArctic and the Thematic Network on Teacher Education
Project partners
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway (applying institution)
- University of Lapland (project lead institution)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Sámi University of Applied Sciences
- University of Manitoba
- University of Alaska Anchorage
- Leeds Beckett University
- University of Aberdeen
- the University of the Faroe Islands
- Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland
- University of Akureyri
- University of Iceland
- Umeå University
- Luleå University of Technology
- University of Prince Edward Island
- Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius (University of Jyväskylä)