Nordplus Funding for the Development of Sámi Language Studies

The University of Lapland, Umeå University, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and the University of Helsinki have been awarded €75,000 funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers to develop Sámi language studies during the years 2023–2025.
The HEI-SAMI – Sami language in higher education in suburban areas project (The Nordplus Nordic Languages Programme), coordinated by the University of Lapland, will strengthen cooperation between Nordic universities providing Sami language studies. One of the key challenges is how to better provide Sami language education outside urban areas.
"It is important that we, the providers of Sámi language education, work more closely together, as the lack of resources and the challenges are common to all. Combining resources and developing activities between university towns will offer new opportunities for Sámi language teaching," says Professor Pigga Keskitalo, the project leader in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lapland.
Based on common needs and experiences, solutions to the problems identified in adult language learning will be sought. As part of the project, the partner universities will organise workshops for students, teachers and researchers of Sámi languages. The aim is to develop teaching methods, produce new learning materials and find new ways of using digital technology.
The first meeting of the project will take place in Rovaniemi in October 2023.
The Language Centre of the University of Lapland offers basic Northern Sami studies, and the University of Lapland and Lapland UAS offer together a Northern Sami minor (available online).
Futher information:
Professor Pigga Keskitalo, University of Lapland
+358 40 4844153
PhD Ilona Kivinen, University of Helsinki
Director of Várdduo Christina Storm Mienna, Umeå University
Professor Torjer Olsen, UiT THe Arctic University of Norway, Centre for Sami Studies